Shipping Products: 3 Suggestions

After realizing your products are popular, you might reconsider the way you ship products. While getting individual boxes and using random packing materials might have worked in the past, as sales increase, you need to pack and ship more efficiently. How can you better ship out products?

1. Keep Extra Folding Carton Boxes on Hand 

Folding carton boxes are often the best option for shipping various kinds of products. By getting corrugated boxes and folding them into place, you can affordably get your products out to customers. Cardboard is usually durable and can be opened by customers without too much trouble. In addition, folding carton boxes are bought or delivered to your building as flat boxes. Because the boxes will be flat until they're needed, this means you can store them without taking too much room. You can stack them simply in the corner of a room or underneath pallet racks. 

As sales increase, folding carton boxes should be kept on hand. This will prevent delays in getting out orders. Ensure that you always have more than you expect to need; do an inventory regularly and try to keep more boxes than orders in anticipation of higher sales.

2. Try Custom Labels

Printed labels are likely already on the boxes you're using to send orders. However, as you're shipping more boxes, custom labels are a good idea. Your boxes will be seen by multiple people from the time they leave your warehouse to the time they arrive at a person's door. Having a label that catches the eye can increase your company's reach; customer labels can assist with raising your business profile. Not only is better branding through custom labels, but they can also enhance the customers' experience. Your customers will more immediately recognize your package and get excited to open it.

3. Test Packing Materials

Packing peanuts, tissue paper and other packing materials might be what you currently use to ship out your orders. However, now that you're sending out more items, you need to do more to ensure that products are sent safely. Therefore, you might consider testing out different packing materials to see what makes the most sense in terms of protecting items and keeping overall shipping costs low.

When you're shipping products, being efficient will ensure you get orders to people without overly stressing yourself or workers. Look for more ways to ship products efficiently and get feedback not only from managers and employees but peers in your industry.
